I feel like its a long time coming😂 as you all know I struggle massively with home workouts the biggest kick I can get is pushing weights up in the gym sweating shaking feeling sick✌🏼Call me crazy but there is literally nothing that can replace that feeling for me feeling strong is my ultimate high🍗 

Also I have multiple injuries so training with machines qnd having variety of movements available makes it so much safer for me than barbell💥

The point Im trying to make here and I said it so many times before its completely normal to be disheartened in home workouts its okay to not “ smash them” most people that do have LOADS of gym equipment and seperate space for it. People that make money of these programmes they will show you motivation and how great they feel after it. Dont be fooled its not for everyone and ITS OKAY💗 find something that you love during this time find the alternative push through this maintenance phase and dont ever feel bad for not enjoying the bands😂✌🏼 Some things might not work for you but dont give up explore other options and try to find something that will push you through this❤️

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